Let people send you mail

I think you have an email address. If you don't, do create one.

Lets get going then:

If you want people to send you an email by clicking a link on your page
every time they visit your page:

<A HREF="mailto:your_address@site.com">

As you can see:

The "http://www." is replaced by "mailto:".

This is the trick!

Go ahead and place your email address in place of


I am creating one of my self:

Send me mail

When you click on the above link you should see Outlook Express with
the "To" field filled in with one of my email address in it
i.e deepanjan_datta@hotmail.com

Make the email link a graphic

To do this, first get a graphic from the net or from you computer.

Now do this:

<A HREF="mailto:your_address@site.com">
<IMG SRC="name of the graphic" border="()">
Here is an example:
<A HREF="mailto:deepanjan_datta@hotmail.com">
<IMG SRC="an8[4].gif" border="()"></A>

This will give us this:

You see an email graphic.


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