Adding images to your page

Now you want to add images to your pages, eh?
Cool! Lets start!
Firstly, you will have to find images from sites and from your computer.
Suppose you have an image in "C:\My DocumentsMy Pictures" then to get it on your page, do the following:
<IMG SRC="nameofthepic.jpg/.gif/.bmp etc.">
Of course, "nameofthepic.jpg" can be replaced by the name of the real picture.
".jpg" and ".gif" are the most commonly used image extensions.
If you have drawn an image in Paint and want to put it on your page, simply use the extension ".bmp".
Now lets see an example:
I have a picture named YosemiteReflection[2].gif in my PC.
To get it on this page, I have to do this:
<IMG SRC="YosemiteReflection[2].gif">
This will give this:

Of course, it is not necessary that you should have a folder named "My Pictures" in "My Documents" to put a picture on your page!

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