Meta refresh

META tags are helpful when you want to give your site a summary, provide
keywords for your site etc.


The Meta refresh allows you to display another webpage automatically after some time.
Have you ever seen those pages saying,"Page has moved......."?
Those pages are created by Meta refresh.


How to do it?


Here is how:


Between your <HEAD> and </HEAD> tags type this:
<META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" CONTENT="number of seconds; URL=site">


I will take number of seconds as 3 and URL as


This is the breakdown of the code:
<META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" tells the browser to take the viewer to the URL specified.
CONTENT="number of seconds; URL=site">
CONTENT="3 tells the browser to take the viewer to the URL specified
after 3 seconds.
URL=" tells the browser to take the viewer to
You can try it out yourself.

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