Adding a background image to your page

To add a background image to your page:
<BODY background="name of the background image">
Go ahead and fill in the name of your image.
If the image is from the net, you will have to add the name of the site
from which it has been taken.

I will give you an example:

<BODY background="C:\My DocumentsMy Picturesiceberg.jpg">

This will give us this.

To make your backgrounds fixed

If you have a background color or a background image and you want to
make it fixed, i.e if you want to have your text scrolling and your background fixed, do this:

(note: the tag will be the same for both background color and background image)
<BODY bgcolor="yellow" bgproperties="fixed">
The fixed property for background color is not clearly visualised by the visitor.
It will appear like the background color is also moving along with the text and pictures and graphics
or anything you put on the page.
To see an example, click here. For the background image fixed property, do this:
<BODY background="C:\My DocumentsMy Picturesiceberg.jpg" bgproperties="fixed">
See the example here.


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